I am trying to convert decimal number into its fraction. Decimal numbers will be having a maximum 4 digits after the decimal place. example:- 12.34 = 1234/100 12.3456 = 1234
My solution is quite simple, "lazy", runs by iteration, nothing fancy.
In most languages that have a decent Math library, you'll need nothing more than the algo itself.
But in bc, you'll need to implement simple functions such as
int() to return integer part of a number ,
abs() to return absolute value ,
float() to return floating part of a number ,
round() to round to nearest integer.
If nothing is found after (1/eps) iterations, the loop breaks with the last result.
eps=10^-4 /*Tweak for more or less accuracy */
define int(x) {
auto s ;
s = scale ;
scale = 0 ;
x /= 1 ;
scale = s ;
return x ;
define round(x) { return int(x+.5-(x<0)) ; }
define abs(x) { if ( x < 0 ) x=-x ; return x ; }
define float(x) { return abs(x-int(x)) ; }
define void frac(x) {
auto f, j, n, z ;
f = float(x) ;
j = 1 / eps ;
z = .5 ;
if ( f != 0 ) {
while ( ( n++ < j ) && ( abs( z - round(z) ) > eps ) ) z = n / f ;
n -= 1 ;
if ( x < 0 ) n = -n ;
x = int(x)
z = round(z) ;
print n + x*z , "/" , z , " = "
if ( x != 0 ) print x , " + " , n , "/" , z , " = "
print x+n/z , "\n" ;
With standard accuracy (eps=.0001), you can get this :
-5/7 = -.71428571428571428571
19601/13860 = 1 + 5741/13860 = 1.414213564213
eps=.000001 ; frac(6-7/pi)
1314434/348487 = 3 + 268973/348487 = 3.77183080