I am trying to convert decimal number into its fraction. Decimal numbers will be having a maximum 4 digits after the decimal place. example:- 12.34 = 1234/100 12.3456 = 1234
An algorithm created with c++ that does decimal to fraction.
using namespace std;
// converts the string half of the inputed decimal number into numerical values
void converting (string decimalNumber, float& numerator, float& denominator )
float number;
string valueAfterPoint = decimalNumber.substr(decimalNumber.find(".") + 1,((decimalNumber.length() -1) )); // store the value after the decimal into a valueAfterPoint
cout << valueAfterPoint<< " "<< endl;
int length = valueAfterPoint.length(); //stores the length of the value after the decimal point into length
numerator = atof(valueAfterPoint.c_str()); // converts the string type decimal number into a float value and stores it into the numerator
// loop increases the decimal value of the numerator and the value of denominator by multiples of ten as long as the length is above zero of the decimal
cout << length<< endl;
for (; length > 0; length--)
numerator *= 10;
denominator *=10;
while (denominator < numerator);
// simplifies the the converted values of the numerator and denominator into simpler values for an easier to read output
void simplifying (float& numerator, float& denominator)
int maximumNumber = 9; //Numbers in the tenths place can only range from zero to nine so the maximum number for a position in a poisitino for the decimal number will be nine
bool isDivisble; // is used as a checker to verify whether the value of the numerator has the found the dividing number that will a value of zero
// Will check to see if the numerator divided denominator is will equal to zero
if(int(numerator) % int(denominator) == 0)
numerator /= denominator;
denominator = 1;
//check to see if the maximum number is greater than the denominator to simplify to lowest form
while (maximumNumber < denominator)
maximumNumber *=10;
// the maximum number loops from nine to zero. This conditions stops if the function isDivisible is true
for(; maximumNumber > 0; maximumNumber --)
isDivisble = ((int(numerator) % maximumNumber == 0) && int(denominator)% maximumNumber == 0);
cout << numerator << denominator <<" " <> decimalNumber;
//convert function
converting(decimalNumber, numerator, denominator);
//call simplyfication funcition
simplifying(numerator, denominator);
cout<< "Fraction: "<< numerator << "/" << denominator<< endl;
return 0;