I am working on DataSnap project in Delphi XE2 using TCP/IP protocol that needs to pass a stream of binary data to the server as a method parameter. The problem I am running
DataSnap transfers the data in 32k chunks. The receiving end has no way of knowing how many bytes will be received until after all chunks have been reassembled. Once all the data has been received, DataSnap doesn't set the size of the TStream
that received the data, so you can't use it until you move it to another stream that knows how many bytes are in the stream.
I know that pulling 32k+ from a DataSnap server is not the same as pushing 32k+ to a DataSnap server, but this may work for you as well. Try running the TStream
through this code after the DataSnap server finishes receiving the data:
procedure CopyStreamToMemoryStream(const ASource: TStream; var ADest: TMemoryStream; const Rewind: Boolean = True);
LBufSize = $F000;
LBuffer: PByte;
LReadCount: Integer;
GetMem(LBuffer, LBufSize);
LReadCount := ASource.Read(LBuffer^, LBufSize);
if LReadCount > 0 then
ADest.WriteBuffer(LBuffer^, LReadCount);
until LReadCount < LBufSize;
FreeMem(LBuffer, LBufSize);
if Rewind then
ADest.Seek(0, TSeekOrigin.soBeginning);
I can't remember where I found this code (years ago), so I can't give credit where credit is due, but it has been working for me reliably for years now.