How would I go about finding the three most common elements in an array? I am working with an array of length 10,000 with elements = random integer from 0-100.
I was
//find majority of a value in a array — O(n log n) -> wrost case O(n)
void findMajority(){
//sarray[0] is our first number already counted
int cont=1;
int leader = sarray[0];
//temp variables to know when we changed to a different number
int tempLeader=0;
int tempCont=0;
//loop through sarray.size()
for(unsigned int i=1; icont){ //its not higher occurences than our last number? skip, else we got a new leader
cout << "leader is" << leader << endl;
sorry, its a crappy solution, but it works like you asked, hope it helps