This question has been asked over and over again - and in-spite of trying all the hacks I still can\'t seem to figure out what\'s wrong.
I tried increasing t
Solution posted by OP:
Hack 1: Instead of identifying the element as a text-link, I identified the "bigger frame" in which this element was present. itemlist_1 = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("li.item.first").text This will give the whole item along with the name, price and detail (and the unwanted add to cart and compare"
See the attached image for more .
Hack 2: I found that the "Buy Now" which was an image element with xPath (driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='subseries']/div[2]/div/p[3]/a").click() , in the code above) , could be made to click/identified faster if I added the following line, before finding this by xpath. I think this sort of narrows down where the Webdriver is looking for an element. This is what I added " driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#subseries").text"
This must have decreased my wait by at least 20 seconds, on that page .Hope that helps.