I have a number of items in cells that are separated by dashes. I\'m trying to normalize the database by splitting rows so that each row contains only one entry. How do you
I found this answer:
Sub xcountCHARtestb()
'If countCHAR(RANGE("aq528"), ".") > 0 Then 'YES
If countCHAR(Selection, ".") > 0 Then 'YES
MsgBox "YES" & Space(10), vbQuestion ', "title"
MsgBox "NO" & Space(10), vbQuestion ', "title"
End If
End Sub
Sub xcountCHARtesta() 'YES
MsgBox "There are " & countCHAR(Selection, "test") & " repetitions of the character string", vbQuestion 'YES
End Sub
Function countCHAR(myString As String, myCHAR As String) As Integer 'as: If countCHAR(Selection, ".") > 1 Then selection OR RANGE("aq528") '"any char string"
countCHAR = UBound(split(myString, myCHAR)) 'YES
End Function