I need to write the gtest to test some existing code that has a non-virtual method, hence I am testing using the below source, but I am getting the compilation error
If you don't want to change your source code, you can leverage injector++. Currently it only supports x86 Windows. But Linux and x64 Windows support will come soon. Below examples will give you a brief idea:
Mock non-virtual methods
Below example fakes BaseClassTest::getAnInteger()
by using fakeFunc()
class FakeClassNonVirtualMethodTestFixture : public ::testing::Test
int fakeFunc()
return 6;
TEST_F(FakeClassNonVirtualMethodTestFixture, FakeIntFunctionWhenCalled)
// Prepare
int expected = 6;
InjectorPP::Injector injector;
BaseClassTest b = BaseClassTest();
// Act
// FakeFunc will be executed!
int actual = b.getAnInteger();
// Assert
EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual);
Mock virtual methods
Injector++ supports virtual method mocking (Amazing, huh?). Below is a simple example:
int FakeIntFuncForDerived()
return 2;
TEST_F(FakeClassVirtualMethodTestFixture, MockDerivedClassVirtualMemberFunctionWhenCalled)
// Prepare
int expected = 2;
BaseClassTest* derived = new SubClassTest();
InjectorPP::Injector injector;
injector.whenCalledVirtualMethod(derived, "getAnIntegerVirtual")
// Act
// FakeIntFuncForDerived() will be exectued!
int actual = derived->getAnIntegerVirtual();
// Assert
EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual);
delete derived;
derived = NULL;
Mock static methods
Injector++ supports static method mocking. Below is a simple example:
Address FakeGetAnAddress()
Address addr;
return addr;
TEST_F(FakeClassNonVirtualMethodTestFixture, FakeStaticFunctionReturnUserDefinedClassWhenCalled)
// Prepare
Address expected;
InjectorPP::Injector injector;
// Act
// FakeGetAnAddress will be executed!
Address actual = BaseClassTest::getAnAddressStatic();
// Assert
EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual);