Need to upload a file (file.txt) to a server ( from Excel VBA. (does not have to be necessarily FTP, just need to be able to put the file there and get it bac
Diego, I've used the code below successfully for years. The code gets files from the host, but I'm sure it can be modified to put files there instead.
'Start Code
Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'************************************************************************************** '*** Create FTP Action File & Initiate FTP File Transfer
'************************************************************************************** VREDET = filename1 'Variable holding name of file to get
F = "C:\Volume\Temp\FTPScript.txt" 'creates the file that holds the FTP commands
Open F For Output As #1
Print #1, "open ftp.server" 'replace ftp.server with the server address
Print #1, ID 'login id here
Print #1, PW 'login password here
Print #1, "cd " & " Folder1" 'Directory of file location
Print #1, "cd " & " Folder2" 'Sub-Directory of file location
Print #1, "ascii"
Print #1, "prompt"
'Get the file from the host and save it to the specified directory and filename
Print #1, "get " & VREDET; " C:\some\directory\" & another-filename & ".CSV"
Print #1, "disconnect" 'disconnect the session
Print #1, "bye"
Print #1, "exit"
Close #1
'identify folder where ftp resides and execute the FTPScript.txt file
'vbHide - hides the FTP session
If FSO.FolderExists("C:\Windows\System32") = False Then
Shell "C:\WINNT\system32\ftp.exe -s:C:\Volume\Temp\FTPScript.txt", vbHide
Shell "C:\WINDOWS\system32\ftp.exe -s:C:\Volume\Temp\FTPScript.txt", vbHide
End If
'end code