Given a dummy function as such:
public function handle()
if (isset($input[\'data\']) {
switch($data) {
} else {
switch($data) {
According to others comments
Note: A short RegEx i.e. {((?>[^{}]++|(?R))*)}
is enough if you know your input does not contain {
or }
out of PHP syntax.
in a string between quotation marks ["']
in a comment block. //...
or /*...*/
or #...
in a heredoc or nowdoc << or <<<['"]STR['"]
Otherwise it is meant to have a pair of opening/closing braces and depth of nested braces is not important.
No unless you have a martian that lives inside your codes.
^ \s* [\w\s]+ \( .* \) \s* \K # how it matches a function definition
( # (1 start)
{ # opening brace
( # (2 start)
(?> # atomic grouping (for its non-capturing purpose only)
"(?: [^"\\]*+ | \\ . )*" # double quoted strings
| '(?: [^'\\]*+ | \\ . )*' # single quoted strings
| // .* $ # a comment block starting with //
| /\* [\s\S]*? \*/ # a multi line comment block /*...*/
| \# .* $ # a single line comment block starting with #...
| <<< \s* ["']? # heredocs and nowdocs
( \w+ ) # (3) ^
["']? [^;]+ \3 ; $ # ^
| [^{}<'"/#]++ # force engine to backtack if it encounters special characters [<'"/#] (possessive)
| [^{}]++ # default matching bahaviour (possessive)
| (?1) # recurse 1st capturing group
)* # zero to many times of atomic group
) # (2 end)
} # closing brace
) # (1 end)
Formatting is done by @sln's RegexFormatter software.
Laravel's Eloquent Model.php file (~3500 lines) randomly is given as input. Check it out: Live demo