So I looked this up and this question is very similar but it\'s missing a key piece: SQL Server count number of distinct values in each column of a table
So in that
thought i would take a stab at this whilst waiting for a backup to restore
hope this does what you require
create Table #Temp
(tableName varchar(100),
columnName varchar(100),
value varchar(1000),
distinctItems int)
Declare @tabName as varchar(100)
Declare @colName as varchar(100)
Declare @tabid as int
Declare cursorTables Cursor
select t.object_id , , from sys.tables t inner join sys.columns c on t.object_id = c.object_id
open cursorTables
Fetch Next from cursorTables into
while @@Fetch_Status = 0
declare @query as nVarchar(1000)
set @query = 'Insert into #Temp SELECT ''' + @tabName + ''' , '''+ @colName +''', ' + @colName + ', COUNT([' + @colName +']) AS Expr1 FROM [' + @tabName+ '] group by [' + @colName + ']'
print @query
exec sp_executesql @query
Fetch Next from cursorTables into
Close cursorTables
Deallocate cursorTables
select * from #temp
drop table #temp
produces some not very useful results on PK values and i suspect it would not work on columns greater than varchar(1000) but works on a fe of my dbs