I have pdf files from which I would like to copy all the data to a column in a spreadsheet.
Here is the code I have. All it does is open the pdf, use control-a, then
Jeanno's right, if you have Acrobat then using its API library to work with the file directly is much better than the workarounds. I use this every day to convert pdf files into database entries.
Your code has a few problems, but I suspect the biggest issue is the use of SendKeys "^v"
to paste into Excel. You're better off selecting the cell you want then using Selection.Paste
. Or even better, transfer the contents of the clipboard to a variable, then parse it out as needed on the backend before writing to your spreadsheet--but that adds a bunch of complexity and doesn't help you a lot in this case.
To use the code below, be sure to select your 'Acrobat x.x Type Library' under Tools>References.
Sub StartAdobe1()
Dim fName As Variant
Dim wbTransfer As Excel.Workbook
Dim wsNew As Excel.Worksheet
Dim dOpenCol As Double
Dim oPDFApp As AcroApp
Dim oAVDoc As AcroAVDoc
Dim oPDDoc As AcroPDDoc
'Define your spreadsheet
Set wbTransfer = Workbooks("transfer (Autosaved).xlsm")
Set wsNew = wbTransfer.Sheets("new")
'Find first open column
dOpenCol = ws.Cells(1, columns.count).End(xlToleft).Column + 1
'Instantiate Acrobat Objects
Set oPDFApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
Set oAVDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
Set oPDDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
For Each fName In Range("path")
'Open the PDF file. The AcroAVDoc.Open function returns a true/false
'to tell you if it worked
If oAVDoc.Open(fName.Text, "") = True Then
Set oPDDoc = oAVDoc.GetPDDoc
Debug.Assert False
End If
'Copy all using Acrobat menu
oPDFApp.MenuItemExecute ("SelectAll")
oPDFApp.MenuItemExecute ("Copy")
'Paste into open column
wsNew.Cells(1, dOpenCol).Select
'Select next open column
dOpenCol = dOpenCol + 1
oAVDoc.Close (1) '(1)=Do not save changes
'Clean up
Set wbTransfer = Nothing
Set wsNew = Nothing
Set oPDFApp = Nothing
Set oAVDoc = Nothing
Set oPDDoc = Nothing
End Sub
1-There is also a menu item oPDFApp.MenuItemExecute ("CopyFileToClipboard")
that should do the select all and copy in one step, but I have had problems with it so I stick to the two-step method above.
2-A pdf file consists of two objects, the oAVDoc
and the oPDDoc
. Different aspects of the file are controlled by each. In this case you might only need the oAVDoc
. Try commenting out the lines dealing with oPDDoc
and see if it works without them.