I\'m new to MVC3 and have been working on a small site using EF and \'Code First\'. I\'m trying to do a few things in a view dealing with a drop down list and am wondering w
I want a user to be able to select a rule from the dropdownlist, and depending upon which rule was selected, I would like a label on the page to show the rule name (without posting)
You will need javascript here. jQuery would be perfect for the job. I would start by providing a deterministic id for the dropdown because if you run this view inside a template there could be prefixes added to the id which would ruin our javascript id selectors (see below):
x => x.D1K2N3CARules,
new SelectList(Model.D1K2N3CARules, "ID", "Rule"),
new { id = "ruleDdl" }
then provide some container which will receive the selected value:
and finally in a separate javascript file subscribe for the change event of the dropdown list and update the container with the selected value/text:
$(function() {
// subscribe for the change event of the dropdown
$('#ruleDdl').change(function() {
// get the selected text from the dropdown
var selectedText = $(this).find('option:selected').text();
// if you wanted the selected value you could:
// var selectedValue = $(this).val();
// show the value inside the container
I also need to be able to send the selected rule onto the next page.
You could put your dropdown inside a form
@using (Html.BeginForm("NextPage", "Foo"))
x => x.D1K2N3CARules,
new SelectList(Model.D1K2N3CARules, "ID","Rule")
and the NextPage controller action will receive the selected value.