I have multiple Laravel sites hosted on the same server. With the latest site I\'ve created, the contact form refuses to submit without throwing a 419 error. I have set up t
just found your issue on the framework repo. It is not a laravel issue, your installation is missing write permissions on the storage folder, thus laravel can't write session, logs, etc.
You get a 419 error because you can't write to the files, thus you can't create a sessionn, thus you can't verify the csrf token.
Quick fix: chmod -R 777 storage
Right fix: move your installation to a folder where nginx/apache/your user can actually write.
If you are using nginx/apache, move you app there and give the right permissions on the project (chown -R www-data: /path-to-project)
If you are using php artisan serve, change it's permissions to your user: chown -R $(whoami) /path-to-project
You get it, let writers write and you're good.