We currently have a fat SourceSafe DB with ten years of code in it. We\'re looking for an easy and stable way to import all of this in to a new Clearcase/Jazz environment.>
In theory, clearexport_ssafe is the right tool:
utility reads the files and sub-projects in your Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe current project and generates a data file, whichclearimport
uses to create equivalent VOB elements.By default
exports the files and subprojects in the VisualSourceSafe
current project, but it does not export any files contained in subprojects. To export all files in all subprojects, specify the –r option.
In practice, the migrations I made (not from VSS though) involved the import of a few recent labels, and then the HEAD, into ClearCase.
That means the main tool I use for any import (from any other VCS) is clearfsimport.
You may loose some meta-data (like the author of a version, and labels), but at least it is source-agnostic, and since your massive import only concern an handfull of labels from the source, you end up quickly with an operational VOB.