I am following this wiki http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Build_for_bacon to build cyanogenmod 12 for oneplus one. Build fails with the following error.
brunch bacon
I faced the same problem, Its due to cyanogenmod not keeping their dependencies updated.
Here is the solution:
1.) Go to your base directory where you have all the code (croot) and run the following commands:
$ mkdir .repo/local_manifests
$ nano .repo/local_manifests/local_manifests.xml (You can name it anything you like)
2.) Paste the following lines into local_manifests.xml:
3.) Follow rest of the guide. You can now also exclude "Extract proprietary blobs" section as all the files extracted from device (heMuppets/proprietary_vendor_oneplus) are already listed in local_manifests.xml
I hope this helps.