I want to test my servlet with http://www.easymock.org/
How do I write the Unit Testing Code?
I update my code with your responce.
I just used Google
I am more familiar with Mockito, but I believe they are still similar. In fact I think Mockito was branched from EasyMock a few years back.
There is no cookbook approach to unit testing, but this is the basic approach I tend to take:
1) Create a real instance of your servlet class (i.e. new MyServlet())
2) Create a mock HttpRequest using EasyMock
2a) Mock the desired behavior of the request to simulate a real HTTP request. For example, this may mean you simulate the presence of request parameters or headers.
3) Create a mock HttpResponse using EasyMock
4) call the doGet() method of your servlet passing it both the mock request and response.
5) For verification, inspect the mock HttpResponse. Verify that: (a) the expected methods have been called on the object, (b) The expected data has been passed to the object.
I know this is very high-level, but I am just outlining the approach. I assume you know how to accomplish the mocking/verification behaviors using EasyMock.
Hope this is helpful.