I have a string where the third last character is sometimes a ,
If this is the case I want to replace it with a .
The string could also have other
How about:
if (text[text.Length - 3] == ',')
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(text);
builder[text.Length - 3] = '.';
text = builder.ToString();
EDIT: I hope the above is just about the most efficient approach. You could try using a char array instead:
if (text[text.Length - 3] == ',')
char[] chars = text.ToCharArray();
chars[text.Length - 3] = '.';
text = new string(chars);
Using Substring
will work as well, but I don't think it's any more readable:
if (text[text.Length - 3] == ',')
text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 3) + "."
+ text.Substring(text.Length - 2);
EDIT: I've been assuming that in this situation you already know that text will be at least three characters length. If that's not the case, you'd obviously want a test for that as well.