I have a button in a java frame that when pressed it reads a value from a text field and uses that string as a port name attempting to connect to a serial device.
Your code would be much more readable if you named JFrame instances xxxFrame, and JPanel instances xxxPanel. Naming JPanel instances xxxFrame makes things very confusing.
It would also help if you pasted the stack trace of the exception.
I suspect the problem comes from the fact that frame is null. This is due to the fact that the frame field is only initialized in the createAndShowGUI method, but this method doesn't display the current connection panel, but a new one, which thus have a null frame field:
ConnectionFrame firstPanel = new ConnectionFrame();
// The firstPanel's frame field is null
// the firstPanel's frame field is now not null, but
// the above call opens a JFrame containing another, new ConnectionFrame,
// which has a null frame field
The code of createAndShowGUI should contain
rather than
frame.add(new ConnectionFrame());