using the below code for decoding json
$categories = json_decode($data);
$categories = $categories->data;
where i get this
This looks like a JSON string. You can use json_decode() to convert it into a PHP variable, e.g.
$obj = json_decode($json);
print_r($obj->categories); // array of StdClass objects
You can access and iterate the categories array regularly
echo $obj->categories[0]->name; // Utilities
echo $obj->categories[1]->name; // Productivity
echo $obj->categories[2]->name; // Music
To convert the StdClass objects to arrays, you could do
$categories = array();
foreach (json_decode($json)->categories as $category) {
$categories[] = (array) $category;
You could also do it with a lambda function and array_map:
// Before PHP5.3
$categories = array_map(
create_function('$el', 'return (array) $el;'),
// After PHP5.3
$categories = array_map(
function($el) { return (array) $el; },