I\'ve looked at the other post similar to my question, Password check- Python 3, except my question involves checking if the password contains both uppercase and lower case
import sys
def Valid_password_mixed_case(password):
letters = set(password)
mixed = any(letter.islower() for letter in letters) and any(letter.isupper() for letter in letters)
if not mixed:
print("Invalid password: Mixed case characters not detected", file=sys.stderr)
return mixed
A complete solution:
import sys
def Get_Password():
return input("Enter your desired password: ")
def Count_Digits(password):
return sum(1 for character in password if character.isdigit())
def Valid_password_length(password):
correct_length = len(password) >= 10
if not correct_length:
print("Invalid password: too short", file=sys.stderr)
return correct_length
def Valid_password_characters(password):
correct_characters = password.isalnum()
if not correct_characters:
print("Invalid password: illegal character detected", file=sys.stderr)
return correct_characters
def Valid_password_numdigit(password):
sufficient_digits = Count_Digits(password) >= 2
if not sufficient_digits:
print("Invalid password: Must have at least 2 digits", file=sys.stderr)
return sufficient_digits
def Valid_password_mixed_case(password):
letters = set(password)
lower = any(letter.islower() for letter in letters)
upper = any(letter.isupper() for letter in letters)
if not upper:
print("Invalid password: No uppercase characters detected", file=sys.stderr)
if not lower:
print("Invalid password: No lowercase characters detected", file=sys.stderr)
return lower and upper
def password_checker():
password = Get_Password()
if Valid_password_length(password) and \
Valid_password_characters(password) and \
Valid_password_numdigit(password) and \
print("Congratulations! This password is valid")