I have a list [String] the task ist to remove those elements in the list, which have \"q\" or \"p\" and then capitalize all letters in the list with toUpper.
What I
You're almost there, you just need a second map
map (map toUpper) (filter (\x -> not('p' `elem` x || 'q' `elem` x)) myList)
This is because String
is completely synonymous with [Char]
in vanilla haskell. Since the type of map is
(a->b) -> [a] -> b
and we have
toUpper :: Char -> Char
String :: [Char]
We'll get back another String
, except capitalized.
By the way, that ugly-ish filter can be replaced made prettier with by making it use arrows :) (Think of these like more structured functions)
map (map toUpper) . filter $ elem 'p' &&& elem 'q' >>> arr (not . uncurry (||))
Gratuitousness? Maybe, but kinda cool.