What is the most similar thing in vb.net to a pointer, meaning like C poinetrs?
I have a TreeView within a class. I need to expose some specific nodes (or leaves) th
Best way to do it is to just allocate everything manually:
You can move up OR down each Stack at free will without Pushing or Popping.
Dim Stack(4095) as Byte 'for 8bit - 1 bytes each entry
Dim Stack(4095) as Integer 'for 16bit - 2 bytes each entry
Dim Stack(4095) as Long 'for 32bit - 4 bytes each entry
Dim Stack(4095) as Double 'for 64 bit - 8 bytes each entry
Dim i as integer 'Where i is your Stack Pointer(0 through 4095)
Dim int as integer 'Byte Integer Long or Double (8, 16, 32, 64 bit)
for i = 0 to 4095
int = i
Stack(i) = int/256 'For 8bit Byte
Stack(i) = int 'For 16bit Integer
Stack(i) = Microsoft.VisualBasic.MKL$(int) 'For 32bit Long
Stack(i) = Microsoft.VisualBasic.MKD$(int) 'For 64bit Double
MsgBox(Microsoft.VisualBasic.HEX$(Stack(i))) 'To See Bitwise Length Per Entry
next i