I\'m trying to work out how to calculate actual downtime for various applications from data I\'m storing within a table.
At the moment I\'m just calculating the dif
I had a similar problem, and I got it answered in my question How to Consolidate Blocks of Time?
In your case, this is accomplished with a top 1 self outer apply to get the overlap, and then use either the Overlap's Start time, or if null, the normal Record's end time as the end time.
Application VARCHAR(25),
DowntimeStart DATETIME,
DowntimeEnd DATETIME,
Expected INT
INSERT Downtime (Application, DowntimeStart, DowntimeEnd, Expected) VALUES -- Act/Exp
('Application Demo', '2014-11-20 17:31:01.467', '2014-11-20 18:01:01.243', 30) -- 30/30
,('Application Demo', '2014-11-28 17:59:00.987', '2014-11-28 18:09:02.167', 26) -- 10/26
,('Application Demo', '2014-11-28 18:00:01.403', '2014-11-28 18:25:01.443', 0) -- 25/0
,('Application Demo', '2014-11-29 19:13:08.580', '2014-11-30 05:30:01.763', 617) -- 617/617
,('Application Demo', '2014-11-30 01:55:01.953', '2014-11-30 03:54:01.730', 0)
Records.Application, Records.DowntimeStart, Records.DowntimeEnd, Records.Expected
, DATEDIFF(minute, Records.DowntimeStart, COALESCE(Overlap.DowntimeStart, Records.DowntimeEnd)) AS Actual
-- , Overlap.Application, Overlap.DowntimeStart, Overlap.DowntimeEnd -- For Verification Purposes
FROM Downtime Records
SELECT TOP 1 Overlap.Application, Overlap.DowntimeStart, Overlap.DowntimeEnd
FROM Downtime Overlap
WHERE Records.Application = Overlap.Application
AND Overlap.DowntimeStart > Records.DowntimeStart
AND Overlap.DowntimeStart BETWEEN Records.DowntimeStart AND Records.DowntimeEnd
ORDER BY Overlap.DowntimeStart
) Overlap
Here's the SQLFiddle with the solution.