We have searched this forum and the web extensively and have not found anything related to this issue so I felt compelled to post this question here...
We have obse
The implementation of ComboBoxPopupControl (which in fact is the relevant base skin for all combo-like controls) changed somewhere between u40 and u60: the textField - including all internal wirings - was pulled up from the concrete skins (like f.i. ComboBoxListViewSkin) into the base.
Along with this mere technicality the handler for ENTER was changed:
A dirty (!because needs access to the internal package com.sun.whatever.skin) way out is a custom skin that listens to the focusProperty and calls the commit method, something like:
public class MyComboSkin extends ComboBoxListViewSkin {
public MyComboSkin(ComboBox comboBox) {
getSkinnable().focusedProperty().addListener((source, ov, nv) -> {
if (!nv) {
The advantage of applying a custom skin is that it can be applied once per scene by adding a styleSheet:
// defining the skin in a css mycomboskin.css
.combo-box {
-fx-skin: "mypackage.MyComboSkin";
// apply to a scene
String commitCSS = getClass().getResource("mycomboskin.css").toExternalForm();
// or to the application (using internal api again ;-)
BTW: I think the new implementation in core is rather dirty - all keyBindings should be handled either in the XXBehaviour or alternatively left to the lower-level children (like the textField itself). The change in behaviour (verified against 8u45) might be considered a bug.
An alternative trick is using a TextFormatter on the combo's editor and bidi-bind it's valueProperty to the combo's valueProperty, something like:
TextFormatter formatter =
new TextFormatter<>(comboBox.getConverter());
This does work because the formatter guarantees to commit - aka: sync its own value to the textField's text - on focusLost (more details in a similar requirement for Spinner) Note that a side-effect of this approach is that the text is committed on navigation inside the drop-down which might or not be acceptable depending on context. Also, it's more experimenting with TextFormatters than a dedicated workaround - needs the same per-instance manipalution as the workaround in the other solution by Scott.
The bug is fixed in jdk9 and backported 8u72, so any workaround hopefully is short-lived, choosing the once or other and going as dirty as necessary is likely a matter of taste :-)