I\'m running on Mongo 3.6.6 (on a small Mongo Atlas cluster, not sharded) using the native Node JS driver (v. 3.0.10)
My code looks like this:
First of all, if your data is too big it's not a good idea to use toArray() method, instead it's better to use forEach() and loop throw the data. Just like this :
const records = await collection.find({
userId: ObjectId(userId),
status: 'completed',
lastUpdated: {
$exists: true,
$gte: '2018-06-10T21:24:12.000Z'
records.forEach((record) => {
//do somthing ...
Second, you can use {allowDiskUse: true} option for getting large data.
const records = await collection.find({
userId: ObjectId(userId),
status: 'completed',
lastUpdated: {
$exists: true,
$gte: '2018-06-10T21:24:12.000Z'
{allowDiskUse: true});