I hope can help me, I am developing an Android App, that require to connect with Bluetooth devices, like Scanner and Printer, currently I can list all Paired devices, but i
Accepted answer is too generic, because UUID 0001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB assert that device has serial port capabilites, and many not printer devices has this kind of UUID.
You should evalute full CoD, at this link you can extract exact bit mask for serivice you need to recognize, that for a printer is :
with this you can do a mask on full device CoD as:
private static boolean isAPrinter(BluetoothDevice device){
int printerMask = 0b000001000000011010000000;
int fullCod = device.getBluetoothClass().hashCode();
Log.d(TAG, "FULL COD: " + fullCod);
Log.d(TAG, "MASK RESULT " + (fullCod & printerMask));
return (fullCod & printerMask) == printerMask;