I am using dompdf to convert a html page using dompdf, but it is showing arabic text in reverse order
For eg if text is
then it is displ
Only issue with @BrianS answer is that left-to-right characters in the line are displayed right-to-left. This is how I solved it (in my case the check is for Hebrew characters):
// check if the line contains Hebrew characters from the start too
// to avoid flipping dates etc.
if( strtolower( $style -> direction ) == 'rtl' && preg_match( "/\p{Hebrew}/u", $text ) ):
preg_match_all('/./us', $text, $ar);
// reverse the whole line
$text = join('',array_reverse($ar[0]));
// flip english back to ltr
$words = explode( ' ', $text );
foreach( $words as $i => $word ):
if( !preg_match( "/\p{Hebrew}/u", $word ) ):
$words[$i] = implode( '', array_reverse( str_split( $word ) ) );
$text = implode( ' ', $words );