Is it possible to show pagelines in a EditText
I mean these lines:
@gideon's code works but more lines not be drawn
you must just change canvas.getHeight()
to getHeight()
as following below:
public class LinedEditText extends EditText
private Rect mRect;
private Paint mPaint;
public LinedEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
super(context, attrs);
mRect = new Rect();
mPaint = new Paint();
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
int height = getHeight();
int curHeight = 0;
Rect r = mRect;
Paint paint = mPaint;
int baseline = getLineBounds(0, r);
for (curHeight = baseline + 1; curHeight < height;
curHeight += getLineHeight())
canvas.drawLine(r.left, curHeight, r.right, curHeight, paint);