I\'m trying to populate tableview with parse with 2 labels connected to the the main tv controller with PFTableViewCell
when I add the (numberOfSectionsInTableView +
Looking at the documentation for PFQueryTableViewController
, https://www.parse.com/docs/ios/api/Classes/PFQueryTableViewController.html it looks like you shouldn't be overriding those two methods.
– tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:object:
should be called already for all the rows in your table based on your objects
. You shouldn't override numberOfSectionsInTableView
and numberOfRowsInSection
because the Parse controller handles all of that for you. You are overriding these methods and hardcoding a number which causes Parse to try to fetch and object for a row that is out of bounds (it doesn't exist). It looks like there are actually no objects in your datasource.