I\'m trying to bind an xp:inputRichText to a bean (ChatBean), but get this validation error when the code tries update the field to the bean:
The UIInputRichText requires an object of type com.ibm.xsp.http.MimeMultipart
If you change your ChatBean to work with this instead, it should work as desired:
public class ChatBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private com.ibm.xsp.http.MimeMultipart chatContent;
public com.ibm.xsp.http.MimeMultipart getChatContent() {
return chatContent;
public void setChatContent(com.ibm.xsp.http.MimeMultipart chatContent) {
this.chatContent = chatContent;
public void saveContent() {
// TODO implement save
this.chatContent = null;