I have a requirement that, by passing a name, it should return an avatar icon which contains the first letters of the words contained in that name. For instance: if I pass
You could create a custom UI5-control for that. It supports databinding too :)
Example on JSBin:
var NameIcon = sap.ui.core.Control.extend("NameIcon", { // call the new Control type "NameIcon" and let it inherit
// from sap.ui.core.Control
// the Control API:
metadata : {
properties : { // setter and getter are created behind the scenes,
// incl. data binding and type validation
"name" : "string", // in simple cases, just define the type
"size" : {type: "sap.ui.core.CSSSize", defaultValue: "40px"}
// you can also give a default value and more
// the part creating the HTML:
renderer : function(oRm, oControl) { // static function, so use the given "oControl" instance
// instead of "this" in the renderer function
oRm.writeEscaped(oControl.getInitials()); // write another Control property, with protection
// against cross-site-scripting
var name = this.getName();
if (!name) return "";
var parts = name.split(" ");
var result = parts.map(function(p){return p.charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase();}).join("");
return result;
// an event handler:
onclick : function(evt) { // is called when the Control's area is clicked - no event registration required
alert("Control clicked! Text of the Control is:\n" + this.getText());