I currently have a macro that I use to delete a record if the ID doesn\'t exist in a list of ID\'s I created from an XML document. It does work like I want it to, however I
The short answer:
Use something like
' where DelStr = "15:15" if you want to delete row 15
' = "15:15,20:20,32:32" if you want to delete rows 15,20 and 32
The long answer:
Important: If you have ~ 30 / 35 rows to delete, the following code works very efficiently. Beyond which it would throw up an error. For code to handle arbitrary number of rows efficiently see the very long answer below this.
If you have a function which lets you list out which rows you want to delete, try the code below. This is what I use to very efficiently delete multiple rows with minimum overhead. (the example assumes that you've obtained the rows you need to delete through some program, here I manually feed them in):
Sub DeleteRows()
Dim DelRows() As Variant
ReDim DelRows(1 To 3)
DelRows(1) = 15
DelRows(2) = 18
DelRows(3) = 21
'--- How to delete them all together?
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(DelRows) To UBound(DelRows)
DelRows(i) = DelRows(i) & ":" & DelRows(i)
Next i
Dim DelStr As String
DelStr = Join(DelRows, ",")
' DelStr = "15:15,18:18,21:21"
' IMPORTANT: Range strings have a 255 character limit
' See the other code to handle very long strings
End Sub
The (very long) efficient solution for arbitrary number of rows and benchmark results:
Here are the benchmark results obtained by deleting rows (Time in seconds vs. no. of rows).
The rows are on a clean sheet and contain a volatile formula in the D column from D1:D100000
i.e. for 100,000 rows, they have a formula =SIN(RAND())
The code is long and not too pretty, but it splits the DelStr
into 250 character substrings and forms a range using these. Then the new DeleteRng
range is deleted in a single operation.
The time to delete may depend on the contents of the cells. The testing/benchmarking, in congruence with a bit of intuition suggests the following results.
reference error.Code:
Sub DeleteRows()
' Usual optimization
' Events not disabled as sometimes you'll need to interrupt
' You can optionally keep them disabled
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Declarations...
Dim DelRows() As Variant
Dim DelStr As String, LenStr As Long
Dim CutHere_Str As String
Dim i As Long
Dim MaxRowsTest As Long
MaxRowsTest = 1000
' Here I'm taking all even rows from 1 to MaxRowsTest
' as rows to be deleted
ReDim DelRows(1 To MaxRowsTest)
For i = 1 To MaxRowsTest
DelRows(i) = i * 2
Next i
'--- How to delete them all together?
LenStr = 0
DelStr = ""
For i = LBound(DelRows) To UBound(DelRows)
LenStr = LenStr + Len(DelRows(i)) * 2 + 2
' One for a comma, one for the colon and the rest for the row number
' The goal is to create a string like
' DelStr = "15:15,18:18,21:21"
If LenStr > 200 Then
LenStr = 0
CutHere_Str = "!" ' Demarcator for long strings
CutHere_Str = ""
End If
DelRows(i) = DelRows(i) & ":" & DelRows(i) & CutHere_Str
Next i
DelStr = Join(DelRows, ",")
Dim DelStr_Cut() As String
DelStr_Cut = Split(DelStr, "!,")
' Each DelStr_Cut(#) string has a usable string
Dim DeleteRng As Range
Set DeleteRng = ActiveSheet.Range(DelStr_Cut(0))
For i = LBound(DelStr_Cut) + 1 To UBound(DelStr_Cut)
Set DeleteRng = Union(DeleteRng, ActiveSheet.Range(DelStr_Cut(i)))
Next i
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
The code to generate the formulas in a blank sheet is
Sub FillRandom()
ActiveSheet.Range("D1").FormulaR1C1 = "=SIN(RAND())"
Range("D1").AutoFill Destination:=Range("D1:D100000"), Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub
And the code to generate the benchmark results above is
Sub TestTimeForDeletion()
Call FillRandom
Dim Time1 As Single, Time2 As Single
Time1 = Timer
Call DeleteRows
Time2 = Timer
MsgBox (Time2 - Time1)
End Sub
Note: Many thanks to brettdj for pointing out the error which gets thrown when the length of DelStr
exceeding 255 characters. It seems to be a known problem and as I painfully found out, it still exists for Excel 2013.