I have created a google script that show me a prompt dialog to write a comment when a column is edited. For some reason this only works with my email (script\'s creator), bu
You need your users to authorize your script. To do that, create a menu that activates on onOpen(). When clicked, send a message box, ensuring your users have to authorize your scripts to see the message.
Paste the following at the top of your script:
/** @OnlyCurrentDoc */
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('myName') // your name
.addItem("Activate myName's script", 'activateMyStuff')
function activateMyStuff() {
browser.msgBox('Script is activated! thanks.');
Important: when your users click the menu, they will also be prompted to authorize your scripts and all the permissions on the script's page. Make sure you clean up that script, otherwise your users may have to authorize weird things - and likely won't. Do test it with an alternate email address to see what others will see.
Lastly, consider publishing your script as an addon instead. It will make it that much easier for your users to authorize and use your work.