I would like to consume a Soap Service provided by DHL. You can find the wsdl here: https://wsbexpress.dhl.com/sndpt/expressRateBook?WSDL
Therefore I created a new C
You can add the Web Reference in compatibility mode (I am guessing you are doing so). If you are not adding the reference in compatibility mode, do the following:
Right click on references Add Service Reference-> Advanced -> Add Web Reference (Below the compatibility section), type the URL of the WS and add the reference.
The WSE2.0 extensions are available as a Nuget Package at:
Install the nuget package on the package manager console running the following nugget command: Install-Package Microsoft.Web.Services2
After you installed the nuget package, you need to make sure your project is referencing the following DLL's:
In order to use the WSE2.0 extensions, you need to actually modify the Proxy class that was created when you added the WebReference to inherit from "Microsoft.Web.Services2.WebServicesClientProtocol" instead of "System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol". Be aware that if you update the WebReference, the Proxy class will inherit againfrom SoapHttpClientProtocol.
Add the following using clauses to the code consuming the Proxy class:
using Microsoft.Web.Services2;
using Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security;
using Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.Tokens;
After you make this changes, you code should look something like this:
var token = new UsernameToken("theUser", "thePassword", PasswordOption.SendHashed);
var serviceProxy = new ExpressRateBook.gblExpressRateBook();
SoapContext requestContext = serviceProxy.RequestSoapContext;
requestContext.Security.Timestamp.TtlInSeconds = 60;
//The rest of the logic goes here...
I added the screenshot down below for your reference:
NOTE: I was unable to test the code since I am unfamiliar with the actual methods that you need to consume, the code displayed is just an example of what I saw in the proxy class, update it according to your needs. It should work fine if you follow the steps described before. Check the following link for more detailed instructions: