I would like to remove the scrollbar arrow buttons from a scrollbar in a JScrollPane. How would I do this?
This is the way i went.
This method:
.Below is a sample code for removing the verticall scroll bar
JScrollPane myScrollPane = new JScrollPane();
//remove the scroll bar you don't want
JTextPane myJTextArea = new JTextPane();
myScrollPane.addMouseWheelListener(new MouseWheelListener() {
//this will mimick the behavior of scrolling
public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) {
JScrollBar scrollBar = myScrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar();
//capturing previous value
int previousValue = scrollBar.getValue();
int addAmount;
//decide where the wheel scrolled
//depending on how fast you want to scroll
//you can chane the addAmount to something greater or lesser
if(e.getWheelRotation()>0) {
addAmount = 2;
}else {
addAmount = -2;
//set the new value
scrollBar.setValue(previousValue + addAmount);