In my Spring context file I have something like this:
From the example code you've provided, it appears that you're trying to create advice for a class that doesn't implement any interfaces. As described in the Proxying Mechanisms section of the Spring docs, if you're going to do this, you'll need to enable CGLIB:
I've personally found this to be a bit more finicky than the documentation indicates it should be, and though it does work if all of the stars are aligned just right, it's often easier--and preferable from a design standpoint--to declare your AOP advice on an interface, as follows. (Note that you'll need to obtain your instance of KlazzImpl
from your BeanFactory
public interface Klazz {
ResponseObject doSomething(RequestObject request);
public class KlazzImpl implements Klazz {
public ResponseObject doSomething(RequestObject request) {...}
Additionally, your use of the args
expression is a little bit off. See the following:
public class UserExistsCheck {
private UserInformation userInformation;
@Around("execution(* a.b.c.d.*.*(..)) && args(reqObj)")
public Object checkUser(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, a.b.c.d.RequestObject reqObj) throws Throwable {
// ...
These changes should do the job.