I am trying to recap on my sql skill, now I am trying to run a simple query on northwinddb to show me the top customer for each year, but as soon as I use the TOP function o
Three steps: first sum quantities grouped by company and year, then order the results by quantity, then filter first row by group only.
; WITH sums as (
SELECT C.Companyname, YEAR(O.OrderDate) AS Year, sum (Quantity) Total
FROM Customers C JOIN Orders O
ON C.CustomerID = O.CustomerID JOIN [Order Details] OD
ON O.OrderID = OD.OrderID
group by C.Companyname, YEAR(O.OrderDate)
with ordering as (
select Companyname, Year, Total,
row_number() over (partition by CompanyName, Year order by Total desc) rownum
from sums
select *
from ordering
where rownum = 1