I have a request data where one of the element takes xml as value. While sending the data to the server using @Body my inner xml is getting encoded(html enc
I have found it by myself.
Here is what I'm doing, I have removed enclosing the inner xml inside CDATA
so that in server side it can take and decode the inner xml before processing.
If we enclose the inner xml with CDATA
it won't decode the string and it make service to fail.
Here is my final request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><NewDataSet><Table><ASNId>21131248</ASNId><ASNLineId>108069195</ASNLineId><EANOCC>5051622303470</EANOCC><TUQuantityRecevied>2</TUQuantityRecevied><ItemDescription>sample 6X300ML</ItemDescription><TUSize>6</TUSize><TUDespatched>1</TUDespatched></Table></NewDataSet>