In Python, I trained an image classification model with keras to receive input as a [224, 224, 3] array and output a prediction (1 or 0). When I load the save the model and
Did not tried this, but here is how its done for the FOOD101 sample
func preprocess(image: UIImage) -> MLMultiArray? {
let size = CGSize(width: 299, height: 299)
guard let pixels = image.resize(to: size).pixelData()?.map({ (Double($0) / 255.0 - 0.5) * 2 }) else {
return nil
guard let array = try? MLMultiArray(shape: [3, 299, 299], dataType: .double) else {
return nil
let r = pixels.enumerated().filter { $0.offset % 4 == 0 }.map { $0.element }
let g = pixels.enumerated().filter { $0.offset % 4 == 1 }.map { $0.element }
let b = pixels.enumerated().filter { $0.offset % 4 == 2 }.map { $0.element }
let combination = r + g + b
for (index, element) in combination.enumerated() {
array[index] = NSNumber(value: element)
return array