As you can likely see from the title, I am about to ask something which has been asked many times before. But still, after reading all these other questions, I cannot find a
This article moves the individual validation into the properties:
public partial class Player : IDataErrorInfo
Dictionary _errorInfo;
public Player()
_errorInfo = new Dictionary();
public bool CanSave { get { return _errorInfo.Count == 0; }
public string this[string columnName]
return _errorInfo.ContainsKey(columnName) ? _errorInfo[columnName] : null;
public string FirstName
get { return _firstName;}
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
_errorInfo.AddOrUpdate("FirstName", "Geef een voornaam in");
_firstName = value;
(you would have to handle the Dictionary AddOrUpdate
extension method). This is similar to your error count idea.