I am running these two commands in Git bash.
Why they behave differently? Aren\'t they supposed to do the same thing or am I missing something?
The back slash has a very long history in Unix (and therefore in Linux) of meanning: quote next character.
There are three ways to quote in the shell (where you type commands):
)In the order from stronger to softer. For example, a $
is an special character in the shell, this will print the value of a variable:
$ a=Hello
$ echo $a
But this will not:
$ echo \$a
$ echo '$a'
$ echo "$a"
In most cases, a backslash will make the next character "not special", and usually will convert to the same character:
$ echo \a
Windows decided to use \
to mean as the same as the character /
means in Unix file paths.
To write a path in any Unix like shell with backslashes, you need to quote them:
$ echo \\
$ echo '\'
$ echo "\\"
For the example you present, just quote the path:
$ echo "Hello" > D:\\Patches\\afterWGComment.txt
That will create the file afterWGComment.txt
that contains the word Hello
$ echo "Hello" > 'D:\Patches\afterWGComment.txt'
$ echo "Hello" > "D:\\Patches\\afterWGComment.txt"
$ echo "Hello" > "D:/Patches/afterWGComment.txt"
Quoting is not simple, it has adquired a long list of details since the 1660's.