I have a java web application deployed on Jboss 6.1.0, that uses infinispan 5.2.6.Final. I\'m trying to set a per Entity specific expiration.lifespan follow
Spent hours to find correct configuration. Apparently it is as following:
Hibernate property should be in the following format:
- by default it is in the name that you see in a sort of JNDI name. In case of Wildfly, it is ear-name.ear/ejb-jar-name.jar#persistence-unit-name
However, it can be controlled by hibernate.cache.region_prefix
property. Set region_prefix to "" and ignore the prefix.
- String as it appears in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.InfinispanRegionFactory
class and in official Infinispan documentation.
In short, official Infinispan documentation is correct only when you set hibernate.cache.region_prefix
to ""