I am using javascript setInterval() to check user idle time and show a popup alert before automatic logout. But it does not work for multiple tabs (working fine for single t
Thank you guys, I got the solution for this.
I used a localStorage value with current time stored in it. If there is no value exists in localStorage["currentTime"], stored current time in localStorage .
var currentTime = new Date();
if ( !(localStorage.getItem("currentTime")) || (localStorage.getItem("currentTime") == "") )
idleTime = 0;
setTimeout(function() { localStorage.setItem("currentTime", currentTime)},5000); // current time is set to localStorage after seconds (it is for setting in multiple tabs)
All calculations to show timeout popup is done using localStorage.getItem("currentTime") value.
Then I set localStorage["currentTime"] to null if user is not idle (when user clicks somewhere)
$(this).click(function (e)
localStorage.setItem("currentTime", "");
idleTime = 0;