Does anybody know the best practice approach to getting an array of CCMenuItems to align to a grid? This is a cocos2d question
For example :
int lev
Ok, while not as flexible as I would like, I've got a decent enough solution for my purposes. Anyone else can feel free to use this code if they too find it useful.
//////// Put images (or whatever) for all levels in an array /////////
int levelCount = 15;
NSMutableArray* menuArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:levelCount];
for (int x = 1; x<=levelCount; x++) {
CCLOG(@"Creating level icon for Level %i", x);
CCMenuItemImage* item = [CCMenuItemImage itemFromNormalImage:@"Button2n.png"
[menuArray addObject:item];
//////// arrange in a grid with specific number of columns /////////
CGSize screenSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;
int columns = 5;
int spaceBetweenColumns = columns + 1;
int spacing = screenSize.width / spaceBetweenColumns;
CCLOG(@"screenWidth (%f) / columnsWithEdges (%i) = spacing = %i, ", screenSize.width, spaceBetweenColumns, spacing);
CGPoint currentDrawPoint = CGPointMake(0, screenSize.height - spacing); // start at the top
for (CCMenuItem *item in menuArray) {
currentDrawPoint.x = currentDrawPoint.x + spacing;
if (currentDrawPoint.x > (columns * spacing)) {
// start a new line as we have reached the end of the previous one
currentDrawPoint.x = spacing;
currentDrawPoint.y = currentDrawPoint.y - spacing;
item.position = currentDrawPoint;
[self addChild:item];