Configuring NHibernate to display executed SQL does what it\'s supposed to, but whenever a SQL string needs to be copy-pasted into SQL Server Management Studio, we have to r
I know you can do this with nhibernate profiler but this is not a free tool. I would also be interested in a free alternative to doing this.
Looks like there is a custom appender out there for log4net that will format it such that you can actually run the sql NHibernate spits out. I saw it in the blog listed below:
Below is the code I have taken from the above blog and modified to work with Guids:
/// This log4net appender is used for outputting NHibernate sql statements in a sql management studio friendly format.
/// This means you should be able to copy the sql output from this appender and run it directly. Normally in the NHibernate
/// output there is parameterized sql that must be manually edited to run it.
public class NHibernateSqlAppender : ForwardingAppender
private const string GuidRegex = @"\b[A-F0-9]{8}(?:-[A-F0-9]{4}){3}-[A-F0-9]{12}\b";
protected override void Append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
var loggingEventData = loggingEvent.GetLoggingEventData();
if (loggingEventData.Message.Contains("@p"))
StringBuilder messageBuilder = new StringBuilder();
string message = loggingEventData.Message;
var queries = Regex.Split(message, @"command\s\d+:");
foreach (var query in queries)
loggingEventData.Message = messageBuilder.ToString();
base.Append(new LoggingEvent(loggingEventData));
public static string ReplaceQueryParametersWithValues(string query)
string returnQuery = Regex.Replace(query, @"@p\d+(?=[,);\s])(?!\s*=)", match =>
Regex parameterValueRegex = new Regex(string.Format(@".*{0}\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*[\[].*", match));
return parameterValueRegex.Match(query).Groups[1].ToString();
//Place single quotes around all Guids in the sql string
returnQuery = Regex.Replace(returnQuery, GuidRegex, "'$0'", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
int parameterListIndex = returnQuery.LastIndexOf("@p0");
if (parameterListIndex != -1)
//Truncate the paramter list off the end since we are substituting the actual values in the regular expression above
//The -1 also cuts off the semicolon at the end
return returnQuery.Substring(0, parameterListIndex).Trim();
return returnQuery.Trim();
Here is how you would send this output to the console:
It appears this causes some fairly significant performance issues in a production system. I haven't found a better way to do this yet but for anyone using this beware of these performance issues