I have a WPF window that I am launching from inside of a winform app. I only want to allow once instance of that WPF window to be open at a time, and not warn that user if t
I am not really a 'proper' programmer, however I have achieved this in a WPF application (not from a winforms one) by using the following:
Dim wdwDetails As New detailsNew()
Private Sub openNewDetails(ByVal recordID As String)
wdwDetails.Owner = Me
wdwDetails.recordID = recordID
wdwDetails.WindowStartupLocation = Windows.WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner
End Sub
Essentially because I am creating the window object outside of the sub that opens it, there will only be a single window. Any new call to the window open sub will use the same object. But I guess that is what Thomas is referring to also.
Like I said, not sure if this will help you or not though.