Help me understand how exactly Pool::collect works.
Pool::collect — Collect references to completed tasks
public void Pool::collect
You missed the audit cycle. Task can not be completed immediately, so at first the collect function do not receive positive result. Several times need to check, it requires a cycle.
In the example if infinite is true, always 4 tasks working. Otherwise, if size of queue is equal with pool size (4), it is over, you can exit the loop.
result = md5(rand(1, 2000));
sleep(rand(1, 5));
$this->completed = true;
public function isCompleted()
return $this->completed;
public function getResult()
return $this->result;
$infinite = false;
$poolSize = 4;
$queue = array();
$pool = new \Pool($poolSize);
$pool->submit(new Task);
$pool->submit(new Task);
$pool->submit(new Task);
$pool->submit(new Task);
do {
if($infinite === true){
$queue = array();
$pool->collect(function (\Task $task) use (&$queue) {
if ($task->isCompleted()) {
echo "Collect task\n";
$queue[] = $task->getResult();
return true;
} else {
echo "task not complete\n";
return false;
$size = sizeof($queue);
if ($size > 0) {
echo $size . " result\n";
if($infinite === true) {
for ($m = 0; $m < $size; $m++) {
$pool->submit(new Task);
} else{
if($size == $poolSize){
} while (true);