We use Nuget to manage our internal toolchain and installing some PowerShell scripts, which we currently manually include in Visual Studio via custom \"External Tools...\" m
This is possible.
In the NuGet package's init.ps1
file, which has access to the DTE object, a new tool can be imported from a dynamically created file containing User Settings configuration that's then deleted after the user settings are imported.
Here's an example of a command to do imports. The example launches Powershell, executing a script in the root directory of a project. Note that I've used VS v9.0 for greatest backwards-compatibility, but it'd be possible to just export the existing tools menu configuration in v15.0 (or newer), and just replace the content in the file below accordingly.
init.ps1 file content
# NuGet Package installation script. Run
# first time NuGet package installed to solution.
param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)
# Determine fully qualified path to a temp file
$fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() + ".vssettings";
# Create User Settings file:
"& ''$(ProjectDir)\Myscript.ps1''"
Launch Powershell
' >> $fileName
# Perform the import of the custom tool
$project.DTE.ExecuteCommand("Tools.ImportandExportSettings", "/import:""$fileName""");
"--Remove file"
Remove-Item -path $fileName
MyProject.nuspec (partial) content
In the .nuspec
file, ensure that the init.ps1
file is included. In the case below, the source for the init.ps1 is in a Visual Studio project named 'MyProject' in the 'Scripts' folder.