I want to build an iOS 10 app that lets you shoot a RAW (.dng
) image, edit it, and then saved the edited .dng
file to the camera roll. By combining
This answer comes late, but it may help others with the problem. This is how I saved a raw photo to the camera roll as a .dng file.
Just to note, I captured the photo using the camera with AVFoundation.
import Photos
import AVFoundation
//reading in the photo data in as a data object
let photoData = AVCapturePhotoOutput.dngPhotoDataRepresentation(forRawSampleBuffer: sampleBuffer, previewPhotoSampleBuffer: previewPhotoSampleBuffer)
// put it into a temporary file
let temporaryDNGFileURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory()).appendingPathComponent("temp.dng")!
try! photoData?.write(to: temporaryDNGFileURL)
// get access to photo library
PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization { status in
if status == .authorized {
// Perform changes to the library
let options = PHAssetResourceCreationOptions()
options.shouldMoveFile = true
//Write Raw:
PHAssetCreationRequest.forAsset().addResource(with: .photo, fileURL: temporaryDNGFileURL, options: options)
}, completionHandler: { success, error in
if let error = error { print(error) }
else { print("cant access photo album") }
Hope it helps.