Is it possible to parameterize a TestSuite in junit 4 ?
For declaring a class as a test suite I need the annotation @RunWith(Suite.class)
, but the same
You're right: Both Suite
and Parameterized
are Runners and only one Runner
may be used to run a test at a time. Standard JUnit 4 doesn't provide a combined Runner.
You can either implement your own Runner or have a look at this ready-to-use library which provides a ParameterizedSuite
A parameterized test suite looks like this:
@SuiteClasses({OneTest.class, TwoTest.class})
public class MyParameterizedTestSuite {
@Parameters(name = "Parameters are {0} and {1}")
public static Object[] params() {
return new Object[][] {{'A',1}, {'B',2}, {'C',3}};